I joke that I see better with my eyes closed, but it really is true. Sobriety uncovered my psychic sensitivity which I use to teach others how to trust their own intuition. I love helping sensitive and overwhelmed people learn how to manage their energy field, connect to their spiritual power, and feel more at ease in their body and their life.

My Kansas roots keep me grounded as a self proclaimed High Priestess in service to Divine consciousness. I'm one part mystic, one part therapist, and one part big sister who will cheer you on or kick you in the butt.

Writing is my impulsive way of giving form to my experiences, many of them outlandish and beautiful, that repeatedly affirm that we are so much more than this body, this life.

Reading stories is as fulfilling to me as reading people, so I do a lot of reading here, too.

I live near San Francisco with my husband, two daughters, and assorted Spirits, depending on the day. Thanks for stopping by!

Medium member since November 2020
Friend of Medium since January 2024
Connect with Julia Novak
Julia Novak

Julia Novak

Book Author

Friend of Medium

A writer and psychic spiritual mentor. I see in the dark and write about light: intuition, energy, Spirit & mothering. www.julianovak.net